Monday, February 28, 2011

Science the week of Feb 28-March 4

This week in Science:

4th graders- Environments: This week we will take our unit test on Environments. Please remind your students of the upcoming test. Here is the Schedule:

Bail Friday Mar 4
Cobeen Wednesday March 2

5th graders- Mixtures and Solutions: We are starting our first full week focusing on our new unit, mixtures and solutions. This week we will be learning what a mixture is and what a solution is. We will also be learning different techniques we can use to separate the mixtures and solutions that we have made.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Science the week of Feb 7-11

4th graders- Environments: This week we are continuing to take care of our terrariums. This week we will add 2 new animals to our habitat and make observations about what happens to our plants and current animals when we add our new residents.

5th graders- Living Systems: We are spending our last week on the unit working on our study guide for the Living Systems unit test. Students will be using their Science notebooks, textbooks, and each other to help them answer questions on the study guide. I will also be giving them the answers, so they can correct the study guide and take it home to study with all the correct answers. As of now, LeConte students will take the test on Tuesday Feb 15 and Washington students will take the test on Wednesday Feb 16