Monday, April 5, 2010

Science The Week of April 5-April 9

4th graders- Environments: This week we are finishing up our lesson on food webs by creating our own food web using an ocean ecosystem. Each group will be starting their own ecosystem by planting seeds in terrariums and making observations on the different seeds that are planted.

5th graders- STAR test prep: We are starting to prepare our 5th graders for the STAR test in Science that they will take in May. They will be tested on material they learned in 4th grade along with material they learned this year. This week we will do some review on the Physical Science portion of the 4th and 5th grade curriculum.

Science Donations Needed:
-large plastic rectangle containers. Costco and other stores sell lettuce in these types of containers.
Both items aren't needed until after spring break, so if you use the plastic containers, if you could please save them for me. If you or someone you know have celery in their garden, I would appreciate being able to use about 12-15 stalks.

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