Saturday, June 11, 2011

Have a fun filled and educational summer!!!

As the last week of this school year is upon us, I wanted to congratulate all students on an amazing school year!!! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did this year exploring, learning, and understanding the wonders of science. Take some time to sleep in and relax and keep that brain engaged. 5th graders-congratulations and I can't wait to hear about all your success in junior high and 4th graders-see you next year!

~Miss Klim =)


  1. I'm a 5th grade Science teacher and brand new to blogging. Your blog is so well organized and has amazing links. I hope that my blog can be as useful to my students someday!

  2. Hi! I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to have this blog. I have challenged my son (a 4th grader) to read from different mediums (he is an avid book reader). We chose reading the newspaper (easy, it comes to our house) and a blog. He loves science so I was searching for a good science blog that is good for an elementary student. You have a ton of great resources that he will enjoy and you guided me to Bill Nye the science guy's blog! Now my son has both you and Bill bookmarked to expand his reading opportunities, as well, as increase his knowledge of science :) Be Blessed, Catherine
